nems-tools: NEMS Extender OS

The NEMS Extender OS (NEMSeOS) turns any Raspberry Pi device into a NEMS GPIO Extender receiver, complete with NEMS Warning Light connectivity.

NEMS Extender OS

Browser view of NEMS Extender OS

With NEMS Extender OS, your NEMS Server is the transmitter, and the Raspberry Pi running NEMS Extender OS is the receiver. In this way, you can run your NEMS Server on a different platform, such as virtual appliance, ODROID-XU4 or PINE64 RockPro64, but then connect a NEMS Warning Light (or other compatible GPIO devices) to a separate Raspberry Pi device.

A single NEMS Server can provide data to an unlimited number of NEMS GPIO Extender receivers. This means, for example, you can place a NEMS Warning Light in your server room, and one in your office. You can even place one at home if you’re really that committed to uptime.

NEMS Extender OS will be released at the same time as NEMS Linux 1.6.

Following first boot, a file nems-tools.conf will be created in the /boot partition. If you need to change the configuration, simply shutdown NEMS Extender OS and plug the card into a computer to edit the file.