NEMS Branding
NEMS Linux
The NEMS Linux logo was created by Outlndr.
NEMS Green: #84c044
NEMS Grey: #a7a9ac
Logo Options

NEMS Configurator
The NConf logo is an adaptation of the NEMS Linux logo. The adaptation was created by Robbie Ferguson.

NEMS TV Dashboard
The NEMS TV Dashboard logo was adapted from the original NEMS logo by Outlndr and a CC0 stock icon. Because it is typically only seen as a 16×16 favicon, the green of the NEMS logo was darkened to make it stand out.

NEMS Cloud Services
An adaptation of the NEMS Linux logo, with the subtext using the AnjaliOldLipi font in #699bdf (light blue, representing the sky).

NEMS Generic Icons
A 1:1 icon, perfect for webhooks or app icons.