nems-tools: GPIO Extender

If your NEMS Linux server is not powered by a Raspberry Pi, or if it is not located where you’d like your NEMS Warning Light, plugging a NEMS Warning Light device into the GPIO isn’t possible. That’s where the NEMS Tools GPIO Extender comes in.

To use the NEMS Tools GPIO Extender, you’ll need any Raspberry Pi to act as the receiver, but your NEMS Linux server can be any supported platform, including Virtual Appliance. A Pi Zero WH would do very nicely for the task. Since the GPIO Extender receiver is separate from your NEMS Linux server, you can add Raspberry Pi’s GPIO to your ODROID-N2 NEMS Server, for example. Or install your NEMS Warning Light on a ceiling-mounted unit closer to the area where your technicians work, connected to the GPIO Extender server (your NEMS Linux server) over wifi. Or install your NEMS Warning Light on the other side of the world: Since the NEMS Tools GPIO Extender is IP-based, it can be anywhere as long as it has network access to your NEMS Linux server (TCP port 9595).

To top it off, you can use an unlimited number of NEMS Tools GPIO Extender receivers with a single NEMS Linux Server.

NEMS Linux 1.5+ has the NEMS Tools GPIO Extender server running on port 9595.

To connect to the NEMS Linux GPIO Extender, simply boot up a separate device running NEMS Extender OS.