Check Proxmox Virtual Environment (check_pve)

Monitor your Proxmox VE nodes with individual service checks for hypervisor CPU load, root filesystem usage on the PVE node, Proxmox VE version, memory usage and swap usage).

check_pve version Service in NEMS Adagios



check_pve requires NEMS Linux 1.7 or higher.

Check Command Arguments

  • ip: IP address of the Proxmox server [Required]

  • port: Port number Proxmox is accessible on (default: 8006)

  • node: The name of the node you wish to check [Required]

  • username: Username of user with PVEAuditor permission set [Required]

  • password: Password for that user [Required]

  • realm: Authentication realm (Eg., pve or pam) [Required]

  • check: Specify the check to perform (load, rootfs, version, memory, swap) [Required]

  • warn: Warning threshold [int] percentage (default: 80)

  • crit: Critical threshold [int] percentage (default: 95)


  • On Proxmox VE - Create a new user for NEMS Linux to use for the API. - Assign this new user PVEAudit permissions.

  • In NEMS NConf: - Create a host entry for your Proxmox VE server. - Add the check_pve service to that host, setting the arguments appropriately for your environment. - Generate your NEMS config.


Never use your Proxmox VE root user or any user with more than PVEAudit permissions for monitoring.

CLI Example

./check_pve ip= port=8006 node=myserver username=auditor password=Str0ngP4ssw0rd realm=pve check=load warn=80 crit=95


Performance Data

check_pve outputs PerfData for further inspection, historical record or aggregation.

All check_pve checks log their regular response (E.g., rootfs provides PerfData for the percentage of root filesystem usage).

The following check provide additional Performance Data:


  • Current CPU load in percentage

  • The low and high CPU load in percentage over the last 15 minutes

  • Number of available threads

  • Load average (1m, 5m, 15m)


  • Currently running version of Proxmox

  • Latest version of Proxmox available


  • Swap usage in percentage

  • Swap space available

  • Swap space usage


check_pve connects to your Proxmox VE server to generate a ticket to access the API with. This ticket is cached on your NEMS Server and re-used for the lifetime of the ticket. Tickets are automatically invalidated by PVE every 2 hours, so NEMS will automatically refresh your cached ticket every 90 minutes. Make sure you are careful to input the correct PVEAuditor username and password on every instance of check_pve in your environment, otherwise you may experience odd authentication issues when the cache is recreated by an incorrectly-entered username/password combination.

We also cache the Proxmox version API JSON response to your NEMS Server for 6 hours, ensuring your server always knows the latest version, but without overtaxing the API.

Caches are stored in /tmp/pve_*.cache which means if a miscreant obtained physical access to your NEMS Server they have up to 2 hours before your PVE API ticket expires. It is therefore imperative that you never use your root user or any user who has more than PVEAudit permissions to monitor a PVE server.